Friday, September 17, 2010

Cheerleader Gets Kicked Off Squad Because of Lyrical Complaints

I saw this interview and was shocked! A 6 year old girl had to cheer the words "Our back aches, our skirts are too tight, we shake our booties from left to right." These are little girls. Are you kidding me? So the mom complained and 100% of the rest of the parents voted to kick her daughter off the cheer squad! What in the world is wrong with these parents? I don't care if you have God in your life or not, this is NOT OK!

I have a daughter. I know I may be a bit on the conservative side when it comes to my kids. Sue me. But this is out of control. I would vote to kick off ALL of the OTHER parents! Keep the kids, but dump the parents. It just makes my heart sad when there seems to be no moral ground held by most people anymore. I know that I may offend some of you when I say this, so feel free to speak your mind, but it is my blog after all. Anyhow, it drives me crazy when I go to see a PG-13 movie and parents are bringing their 6 year old kids to it. It hardly matters what the subject content is about, there is a reason that there is a rating that says if they are under 13 they need parental guidance. But seriously, I feel like there are so many parents who could use some guidance.

In our house we continue to have conversations about what our kids can watch and listen to and view online. As they get older we allow a broader scope of things for them. That is natural. My kids no longer LOVE Dora the Explorer and Bob the Builder. That is the nature of progression in life. But I am also not taking them to see Inception. It's too intense for them. I loved the movie, but my kids aren't ready for that. And don't tell me that the parents had to take their kids because all their friends were going. BE A PARENT!!! Parent your kids. Grow up.

OK, I did not know this is where I would go when I started this. I don't like to rant so much. So I will end it here with a final thought. I will parent my kids the way I believe I should and I will try not to judge you for your parenting skills. Just don't bring crying babies into that Romantic Comedy that is rated PG-13 when I am having a date with my wife. Deal? Oh, and please don't vote to kick a 6 ear old girl of the cheering squad because you are ok with your daughter cheering raunchy lyrics. Thanx.


Cyndi said...

What really upsets me is when the toys in a McDonald's happy meal are from movies that the kids aren't old enough/shouldn't be watching!

Jen said...

Amen, Erik! You preach it. I'm right with you in everything you said here.

Kristin said...

You go dude. I am so with you. Then people wonder why young kids are doing adult things. Because we have allowed it to get that bad.

Laura said...

i totally agree. i see things like that on tv or shows like Toddlers and Tiaras, and i lose hope in our country. parents are trying to make their kids grow up too quickly! good job making the process go slowly. that's the way it should be!

Vanessa said...

Preach it Brother! I saw the same interview and sat with my mouth open in disbelief! Robb and I are reading Bringing up Girls right now and it has been totally eye-opening! Good for those parents for standing up and saying enough is enough. We all need to do more of that and THANK YOU for writing a blog post about it!

Anonymous said...

Well said Erik!


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