Friday, December 02, 2011

12 Days of Christmas Blog

Between now and Christmas I am writing 12 blogs. Some will be holiday themed and some will be random musings. (and yes, I will include my 30 day phtotography challenge) I have needed some inspiration and my great friend Bex suggested we do this. We did a 30 days of blogging together last year, so here we go.

Last night we did an annual family activity. We made our gingerbread house. This is always a fun experience. My roll is to get the walls and roof up and "glue" them together with the frosting. This frosting did not do a great job, but it worked. Kynzi and Karston typically take care of the decorations. Each year I have had less and less to do with that part, unless they want it more detailed. Then I come in with my surgeon-precise hands and do my work.

As the kids get older, they want to do more of that. They took some serious creative liberties this year with that role. I walked away from the table for just a moment and suddenly spontaneous laughter erupted. I turned to see my children plastering the roof with "snow" and nerds, sweetarts, etc. Serious fun! We also made snowflakes using coffee filters. They had a great time getting creative with that.

What holiday traditions do you have with your family? What are some of your best memories from growing up?

1 comment:

Kylie McCoy said...

The best holiday traditions include the Christmas Eve service at Salem Alliance complete with an incredible chorus thanks to Mr. Handel! Looking forward to joining in hiring some glass shattering notes this year!

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