Thursday, November 27, 2008

Free Stuff!

Thank you Oprah. She is giving away free songs to download on her website for the next day or so. Click here. Thanx to Melinda for this little bit of info.

The morning started with our annual Turkey Bowl. It was pretty small this year. Only 7 of us and I was 11 years older than the next oldest guy! Jim is in Iraq and he often brings a bunch of guys. Miss you Jim.

It was a great day at the Williams' residence. We had the Unwins over for the day. Sooo good. Just chillin and eating! Yum. Our kids put on a rehearsed interpretive dance play for us to a song on Kynzi's keyboard. I got to play the special effects part. We had a TWENTY-ONE POUND TURKEY!!! Man, we got leftovers. Oh, and we had FIVE PIES!!! I made an apple pie I used to make when I worked at this old country store back in high school. It is about 8 inches tall! Soooo good. Jeanne-Ann also made a pecan pie and a pumpkin pie and the Unwins brought a peanut butter pie and a chocolate chip cookie pie.

The Goulds "crashed" the party so they could get some dessert. Their 40 person party had none. Weird. ;) Now for a little Survivor "new scenes" show.

Here is the strange thing. If you know me, you know that since Best Buy has been opened here I have been camping out to do Black Friday shopping. This is a first for me. I am sleeping in my own bed and Jeanne-Ann is headed out at 4:30AM. There is nothing really great in the Best Buy ad this year. It is extremely disappointing. So, I am staying home. Not sure how to feel about it. My tent will stay in the garage till summer now.


Rochelle said...

would not have been thxgiving without pumpkin pie. thank goodness u had five pies!!! lol.and thx for letting your wife go out with me this morning.

Anonymous said...

i want some of your giant pie!

Bex said...

Seriously. I don't even like apple pie but that looks amazing. Well done man!
P.S. See you Tuesday?!

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