Monday, November 12, 2007

Power Outages

Today my friend Matt told me they lost power for a few hours and Lisa said they lost power all night. I had no idea there were any outages. My lack of watching the news puts me out of a lot of local news.

I was saying how I love a good power outage that lasts one night or so. It puts you into a place where you can not get online or watch TV. Family time gets to be really close and you read a lot by candle light or flash light. I love doing that.

I am pretty tied to technology, so it is good to have a "forced" night away from that kind of thing from time to time.

I got home today and told Jeanne-Ann about my conversation. A bit later our power went out. I thought, "Cool. We get that night tonight." Then .8 seconds later the power came back on. Oh well. I suppose we could pretend, but it doesn't seem to work that way very well. Besides, Prison Break and Heroes is on tonight. haha.

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