We get into our hotel at about 11:30 and the lady at the counter asked Kynzi if she planned on going swimming with her dad. Kynzi said yes! I suddenly realized that there was no way that was going to happen in the morning. I asked the hours and she said it was closed, but she would let us in if we wanted to. I looked at Kynzi and she smiled with eyes wide open and we went and changed for our little swim.
It was fun. The pool was warm and I swam with her on my back the whole time because she didn't want to get her hair wet before bed. (my brilliant child)
We got to bed, drove to church and it was a great service. They did an AWEsome job of honoring Scott. We had lunch at the church with everyone else and then headed home.
Both on the way up and back we chatted a lot. I love my daughter. My kids are so fun to travel with. She took a nap the last hour before we hit Portland and then I woke her up when we stopped by for the requested visit to the Rose Festival.
We got to tour a Coast Guard ship and got clown noses from some clowns, saw some cool floats from the parade and ate elephant ears! Yummm! It was a great trip!
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