Friday, June 25, 2010

Random Updates

* Our dossier is in the mail! Sent it out on Thursday. This is HUGE! Now we wait to get on the waiting list.

* My son's fishing pole broke so he decided to take a stick, tie some line to it and put a worm on a hook. He caught 4 trout and a large mouth bass! AMAZING! (pics to come)

* I slept 2 hours last night (before I left for vacation)

*I have not run once since my half marathon. Tomorrow I start back to it so I can be ready for the Hood to Coast relay in August.

* I bought 2 books at an outlet store today for $5 each. They are the first and third in a three book series. I couldn't find the second one. It's been a while since I have read a good novel.

* Facetime rocks my face off!

* I sang Owl City's Fireflies while catching fireflies tonight. I love fireflies.

* Imagine the world if we all decided to adopt a child...


Michelle said...

Can't wait to tell Noah about Karston's fish!!! And to show him pics!!! So glad you're having fun!!!

Christy said...

Where did you go fishing?

Unknown said...

In North Carolina!

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