Friday, September 12, 2008

I am Very, Very Sneaky

Have you seen that Adam Sandler movie, "Mr Deeds" where his butler dude sneaks up on people all the time and says, "I am very, very sneaky." That was me today. My kids walked home from school (we live 2 blocks away) for the first time on their own today. I couldn't just let them go on their own. So I rode my bike out to the school and parked it on the other side of the place where they come out.

It seemed to take forever for them to emerge from the stream of flowing students, but they finally came and the hunt was on. The longer they waited the more cars left the less hiding places I had, which was funny. I really didn't want them to see me. I felt like a PI or a CIA agent or something...sorta. That would be a cool job I think. Especially if they issued me a gun.

They finally got home and I raced into the back yard, tossed off my shirt and made like I had been sunning myself. They came out right after I sat down saying, "We thought you were still at work and Mamma wasn't home!" Kynzi, ever so smart, says, "I just looked out here 5 seconds ago." I told her she must have missed me. Haha. How are they old enough to be making this walk anyhow?!?!


Rochelle said...

ha ha ha. that is awesome. that is totally something i have pulled before and your wife caught me. good job 007!!!

Christy said...

Makes me wonder who might be following me?

Anonymous said...

we have STEPS groups for this...

Unknown said...

haha...Rochelle. I could teach you a few tricks!

Christy...I could tell you, but it does cost (PI)

P I am leading it.

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