Thursday, January 14, 2010

Pants on the Ground

Are you watching American Idol? Did you catch the instant sensation that is "General" Larry Platt? If not you may have caught him on youtube. He has the biggest views this week. A 63 year old man got on to American Idol. It's not the first time. They had an elderly man on last year who had just lost his wife. It was more of a "nice thing to do" than anything else. The story was very touching. This guy somehow got past it all. I am not sure if it was a cute thing the producers thought would be fun or if they genuinely thought he was 28 or younger. I don't believe it's the latter.

This man was actually a student of Martin Luther King Jr. back in the day and is still an activist. For better or worse Platt will likely be remember by the rest of the world by his song than anything else. This is what many are reporting. I would say that those who have stood with him will remember him for what he has stood for and continues to stand for. For this little bit of television/internet history he is standing up for women by telling men to keep their pants on and respect themselves and women. I always find it admirable when people stand up for truth and justice and the right thing.

What do you stand for?

Check out more to the story on the "General" here.

Ps. What do you think about Simon Cowell leaving? Do you think AI will make it? What about the rumors that Elton John might be taking his place? Do yo miss Paula? Does Kara irritate you as muc as she does me? What about Siman and Paula starting up the American version of the British show X-Factor? Just some questions I have.

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Infomercials? Is it Legit?

I love infomercials. They are so fun to watch. Sometimes I can get sucked i for the entire half hour. Yes, I have actually bought a few things over the years. Don Lupre sold me his program so that I could learn to buy and sell stuff. What I learned is that it was legit, but I had to move into a one bedroom apartment to really make it big. Bummer.

Who hasn't enjoyed Vince from Slap Chop?

Here is a list of products that were tested to see if they were worth it. We did get the magic jack and will soon start using it. Did they like it? Check it out and see.
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