Thursday, October 15, 2009

Cell struggle

Can I be honest with you? I love technology...and I hate it. There are so many things about technology that I love. I love how it has "made the world smaller"; I love how I can be connected to people I have lost touch with and meet new people too; I love that I can get information almost as quickly as it happens; I love getting to be creative with it; I love the breakthroughs we are having as a result of technology. Who knows, maybe we will see cancer eradicated in our lifetime. Maybe we will find ways to sustain vegetation in places previously unable regions (desserts, etc.) where the hungry can more easily be fed. There is so much sitting out there waiting to happen. Shoot, you can even lock, unlock and start a car with an iPhone app now.

The hate part. Sometimes technology can do the exact opposite of bringing us closer. Sometimes it keeps us from our face to face connections. For instance, when I am out to lunch with someone I know that the cell phone can be a huge distraction. Someone else calls, a text message pops up or a twitter message is waiting to be read, etc. In the past I have been known to leave my phone on the table so I can be sure I don't miss anything. After all, it could be something very important. The problem is that suddenly the person I am with no longer feels important. That bothers me. I want people that I spend time with to feel valued. I have made a a decision. No more cellphone sitting on the table when I am at a meal with someone. Feel free to call me on it too. I am also trying to keep my laptop put away at home until everyone is in bed. It is such an easy distractor (real word?) from my time with others. 

[a note to tech haters (twitter, text, internet, iphone, blackberry, etc): I do believe that these things are also bringing us together. I often hear, "why would I twitter what I am doing or text someone or blog when I can just call someone r go see them face to face?" or "if people want to know what's going on in my life I don't need to blog they can call me." The funny part is that they use the technology of the phone to call someone, or the technology of the car to get there. hmmmm..don't hate on what you don't get. "We mock that which we don't understand." someone said that I am sure, at least I said it. I believe I am more connected to people I follow on twitter than I would if I didn't read their updates. I don't always get to hang out with those people on a regular basis, but when we are together we can follow up on some things that have happened, etc. Kinda cool I say. Plus I get to see your pics and videos you upload to facebook and youtube. How else would I see that? When was that last time you went in and printed off pics from your digital camera?]

Back to the frustration part. I wish I could sit down with people who just don't get it all and do a little training course. Even if it were a cell phone etiquette seminar. People, if you don't want me coming up and asking you a question about the conversation you are having in line at Starbucks, don't be on the phone and talk like the person is across the room. (yes, I have done it...albeit not often and only with a funny comment that made them laugh...but got the point across). People, turn off your ringer when in a meeting or at church or at a movie! I mean seriously! Case in point, Hugh Jackman stops his play to ask someone to turn off their cell phone. Watch this video. Unbelievable.

Well, I feel my thoughts are a bit scattered on this one, but I want to thank blogger for providing me a place to write my thoughts down. I am not great at blogging very regularly, but I am waaaayyy worse at journaling, so this is a bit of an outlet. If you don't want to read this, the great thing is you can click the little X in the upper left hand corner (or upper right hand corner if you are stuck in the PC world).

Feel free to comment as you like.


Chrystal said...

wow E. For one I love you, and your thoughts. This was a really entertaining read.. of course they all are with you. :) Agreed, you are a techy NERK and need to take a breather.. but then.. i would never get to talk to you because we can't visit face to face. So i see both the pros and cons. I think you need a break from TWITTER. haha. And pretty sure "distractor" is NOT a word. It would just be "distraction" since it can be a noun and a verb. Ciao bello

Bex said...

Yeah I feel you on the part about having my phone with me AT ALL times just in case. It is so distracting to me and it makes the people or person I'm with feel awkward and like I'm not fully engaged. I know I don't like it when I'm sharing something with a person and they periodically start tapping on their phone. I sometimes leave my phone altogether and them am ashamed to say I feel anxious that something horrible will happen to my husband and he won't be able to get a hold of me...

I love having access to twitter and my mail on my iPhone but I HATE it too. It becomes so all encompassing. It is too close at times. I'm constantly on it and I just don't have any "space" it feels like. There are such awesome things about it and really on the whole I'm much more connected with college friends and friends who live far away but I have to really be firm about creating healthy boundaries. There is such thing as too much of a good thing.

Christy said...

I would love to be able to update twitter and fb more and recieve updates as well from my phone but am restricted by the almighty budget.
However, I do believe in what you are saying. I have family that lives all the way from North Carolina to Hawaii and there is no way I could just call anytime I wanted. Blogging allows us to connect, even if they don't blog as much as I do or even blog at all. I feel that blogging allows me to share on a deeper level than facebook or twitter.

You want to know what I'm trying to change in my techno world? Not talking on the cell phone when the kids are in the car. I use to say that was really the only time to talk to anyone without the kids climbing on me etc... Instead we are singing with a cd that the church gave to Lincoln our youngest and the kids love it and so do I. One of the most amazing things is to watch your kids sing praise and worship music when they are just bouncing around the house....amazing!!

Krister said...

Erik, Well said. Social media, technology,'s like everything can be used to build or destroy. Great post!

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