Thursday, September 04, 2008

Celebrate National Youth Worker's Appreciation Day

Did you know there was such a thing? Well, there wasn't before, but there is now. It is a fantastic opportunity for you to thank your youth leaders!!! It's this weekend. Do you have someone that has impacted your life? A youth pastor or volunteer that has spoken truth into who you are and who you can become? Maybe they have just remembered your name or given a message that has made a difference in your life. Maybe they came to your game or concert or play.

Whatever it is. This is your chance to say thanx! Check out the official Youth Worker Appreciation Day website. There is also a great article on it here.

Don't let this day pass you by. Do something. Get out there. Buy a gift, get a gift card to their favorite place, make something they will really appreciate.

Want some ideas? Sure, I will toss you a list of ideas from cheap to expensive. Now, I realize not every youth leader will like the same things, so it helps if you get them something with them in mind, but here are a few helper hints.

Stuff you could make/do:
* skim board with their name or artwork of them on it.
* Monopoly board but custom made with things that are relevant to them (ie. "Flipside Lane" or "Crash Ave" or "Refinery Rd" or whatever your youth ministry name is). Then call it something like "Linkopoly"
* Underwater camera case for the video or digital camera. Here is an example.
* Go to their house and wash their car. (not like you do at a car wash fundraiser, do it really, really well).
* Mow their yard (make sure you know what you are doing and don't trim that bush into a shape of yourself without them knowing it)
* Clean the youth room
* Give them free babysitting (or, if they are single, a month on eharmony)
* A stay at a vacation place you have (talk to your parents)
* Get creative!!!

"Less expensive"
* A surprise from the It's just 10 bucks and they get some random object. Kinda cool.
* Make a movie night package for them. In a basket put movie tickets (get them at Costco for cheaper), their favorite soda, microwave popcorn, your favorite DVD (even from your collection to keep it cheaper), gift certificates to a movie rental place that is local, gift certificate for 2 free nights of babysitting (one for the theaters and one for the stay home movie watching), and some sparkling cider.
* Gift certificates to their favorite restaurant, Starbucks, Cold Stone, etc.
* Other gift basket ideas that you can think up. Just make it look decent.

"More expensive"
* I-pod
* One of those I-pod plus running things that helps motivate them to stay in shape.
* 3-6-12 months at a workout facility.
* Digital camera
* I-phone
* Scooter (no, one with a motor)
* Skydiving trip

"Ridiculously Expensive"
* Trip to Hawaii
* Pilot lessons
* Helicopter flight
* Paraglider
* T-touch watch! This is wayyyy cool!

OK, I think that you get the idea. Keep the person's likes and interests in mind. Be good to them. They put a lot of time and effort into making your youth ministry a wonderful place to be and learn and grow.

This might even be someone you haven't connected with in a long time. Look them up on facebook or myspace (yes, I know. Not all of them are that tech savvy, but it doesn't hurt to try)

Have fun and let me know what you did, will u?
* You get the picture

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