Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Day 3 of Chapels at BFA

Last night I stayed up pretty late editing the “creeking” video. We got up to come back to chapel today. We had a fun/good worship set and then I got to do a message on Romans 6. I told a story of living in Bagalonia, a place where you must do what the evil dictator tells you to do, but you kind of want to anyhow. Every time you do something that the dictator wants you to do you put a rock into your backpack. Soon it becomes really heavy and you can’t stand up anymore.

You can find the whole story of Bagalonia at

The bottom line is that the rocks represent our sin and Bagalonia is the life you life without Jesus in your life. When you repent/confess your sins and begin a relationship with Jesus you enter this new country. It’s a new life.

Take a look at Romans 6; Romans 12:1-2; Galatians 5

We then hung out most of the day at the school. Sam gave us a tour of the school and then we got ourselves ready for Chrysalis (the middle school small group ministry lead by the seniors). Oh, I went with Sam to the store to buy candy. I spent WAYYY too much!

We had Döner Kebab for dinner. is what wikipedia says about these kebabs."Döner Kebab (as döner kebap in Turkish and often simply kebap, donair, döner, doner or donner), which literally means "turning roast" is the name given to a Turkish dish made with lamb (or mutton), beef or chicken. It is the origin of other similar Mediterranean and Middle Eastern dishes such as shawarma and gyros. A version developed to suit German tastes by Turkish immigrants in Berlin has become one of the world's most popular fast food dishes."

Then we played some basketball before we started Chrysalis.

Chrysalis was a blast. We lead a bunch of “new”, high energy fun songs and then they did some games. I then did a 5 minute talk on loving God and loving others. I had them think about a time they felt loved and a time they felt unloved. Then I had them get in partners and take a piece of gum and shape it into something that represented one of those two times and then into their small groups to come up with ideas on how they can use their past to show love to others this week.

A girl came up to me to tell me that 3-4 students she knows began a new relationship with Jesus Christ for the first time today!!!!!!!!!!

Wow, God is good...all the time!

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